
Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Blind W.....

This is a family site, so I cannot spell out certain words. The above title happens to be the hash name of one of my fellow runners (about whom this note is not!!); our other colleague who works for the World Bank is naturally called the World .anker.

I was thinking about that this morning when at 3 am we had a wee taxi crisis. The taxi booked to take us to the airport failed to appear; after a few minutes we hurtled along the road to Betsy's Hotel where all the expats stay, and they could order us a taxi - the phone number I had did not work. Except at Betsy's they did not even open the gate to let us in, or switch on the lights inside. I expect the nightporter has a very soft bed.

Further on we hurtled down into town, and found a taxi with a friendly old driver outside Macdonalds. Relieved we took him to the airport (or rather he took us). I thought then that his body language suggested bad eyesight. On the way back he became very friendly, and showed great care for my bare legs - were they too cold? - would I like music? A very friendly introduction and slightly creepy handshake followed from Giorgi. His speed was slow and he had trouble overtaking - maybe he could not see the huge gap between the car in front and the centre of the road? Obviously when he asked about my husband I had to describe him as big and jealous!

I wonder what he does in his spare time? And what exactly caused his bad eyesight?

The booked taxi finally appeared at 7!