
Monday, March 12, 2007

Whingeing and Moaning!

A beautiful spring Sunday, with bright sun shine, a huge crowd of hashers (all 41 of them), but what did your hardworking hares (who had laid the trail the day before) hear?

'I suppose you did much home baking with all the flour you had left over?'
'Bit of a muffin trail, wasn't it?'

What had happened? It seems the wildlife of Tbilisi is hungrier than that of Vilnius; then again, the trails in Tbilisi are longer and steeper, so one would not like to set a trail and run it on the same day, especially if one has to walk about 4 kms to the meeting place as well. So....most of the 4 kgs of flour we had so carefully dusted all over Tbilisi, or at least the hippodrome, had disappeared. I now understand why another one of us places it on cow pats and such like places (of which there would have been many on yesterday's trail). As a result, many people got lost....though some were also led astray...This hare not only had to guide the front runners, but also had to dash back in a sheepdog act to round up the rear guard, and then shepherd them, amongst other places, down a gully and through a hedge. Picturesque it was not, very urban indeed. With all the kids and dogs in the group I was glad that no-one seemed to step or fall on broken glass.

Funniest moment whilst setting the hash - I was heading from the race track of the hippodrome towards a gate in the fence, from whence at the same moment an elderly gent popped in. We headed towards the same tree, from opposite directions. Unfortunately it became very clear very quickly why he was heading towards that tree..... Even more unfortunately for him, when he thought I had passed him by, in fact I had to return past him again, since I was only laying a false trail towards the gate.....Men!

Very proud though of our men, and especially our star runner, who volunteered to wear a pink sparkly head band for the whole run, in honour of International Women's Day!